What is swing, and how do I set it?

For this model, the screen must be lit for any button press to be effective

Note: Maximum time between button presses is 10 seconds

A thermostat works by turning your heating or cooling system on and off whenever the room temperature varies from the desired set-point temperature.   The amount of this variation is called the swing. Generally your system should cycle on about 3 to 6 times per hour. A smaller swing number makes the system cycle more frequently, so the room temperature is more precise and constant. A larger swing number will make the system remain on for a longer duration each time and decreases the number of cycles per hour.

To set swing:

  1. Move the System Mode switch into the OFF position 
  2. hold down the SET button for approximately 5 seconds until the screen changes. 
  3. The menu will always start with item #01, and is advanced to each following item by a single press of the NEXT button. The options for each item are changed using the UP or DOWN buttons.
  4. Press next and advance to item#08



[1] (default) This is the tightest control, which is plus/minus 0.25F (0.14C) degrees from the target set temperature. [2 through 9] These alternate values make the temperature control wider with more variation. Each incremental setting number adds an additional 0.25F (0.14C) degrees onto the initial setting. [9] is the widest control setting, which is plus/minus 2.25F (1.25C) degrees from the set temperature.