Lux 2.0 setup flow

Lux 2.0 walks you through the setup process from wiring and wifi-provisioning, all the way through location sharing, personalization, and scheduling.

Create a Location and add a Device:

Getting started
  • Upon logging into the app to connect your first thermostat you will be prompted to add a location.
    • You may need to tap “Edit Locations” at the bottom before you add location
  • Once your location is added, select the location and then “Add Device”
    • Similarly, you may need to tap “Edit Devices”

Wiring Walkthrough:

  • Select whether you are connecting a KONO or a GEO.
  • You will have the option of skipping the wiring guide.
  • If you continue you through the wiring guide, there will be a tool for selecting your available wires.
    • If you press “further assistance” you will be directed to our support department.
    • Completing the wiring tool will generate a personalized wiring diagram.

Connecting to Wifi:

  • For details on the GEO connection process click here
  • For details on the KONO connection process click here
  • Once connected successfully, you will be prompted to name the thermostat.

Adding users, scheduling, and personalizations

  • The app will walk you through scheduling once provisioned.
    Example of a custom wiring chart from our wiring tool
    • For information on our new scheduling methods click here
  • New to the app is the ability to directly share the thermostat with other users. This is now an optional step in the setup process.
    • You will be prompted to add a user, then a form will appear asking for their user information. Once added, the new user will receive an email with a verification link.
  • We have also added a suite of new feature called “Personalizations”
    • These are features that adjust settings on your thermostat to reflect and respect particular user needs and preferences.
    • For example: if you select “Pet Owners” the thermostat fan mode will switch to clean cycle when weather data reflects a high pollen condition.
    • For more information, click here.