How do I reset my thermostat?

If your thermostat is behaving erratically or something strange is in the display, pressing the reset buttons can often correct the problem.

Hardware Reset:
Try this first since it does not erase anything.

  1. Take the front of the thermostat off the wall and look for a small white round reset button on the right side labeled “H.W. Reset”.
  2. Hold this button down for at least 5 seconds.
  3. The screen should fully populate temporarily.

*If this does not correct the problem, proceed to a Software Reset

Software Reset:
*These steps will erase your custom program settings, so write down all temperatures and start times before you begin.

  1. Look for a small white round reset button  on the left side with a line going up to a label “S. Reset”
  2. Hold this button down for at least 5 seconds.
  3. The screen should fully populate temporarily.
  4. The day & time will still be correct, but you will have to enter back in all your custom program values.